April 28, 2012

Wireless Networks - What You Should Know

Millions of homes in the United States currently have wireless computer network devices. In fact, according to leading technology analysts over 34 million homes will have way to wireless for Internet way by 2009.

Wireless networks at home offer some conveniences that make them an spirited selection for the home computer user: many computers can share a broadband connection without the need to run network cabling throughout the home, and laptop computers can be carried around both indoors and surface on the deck or patio to furnish "anywhere" connectivity.

Network hardware vendors such as Linksys, Netgear, and D-Link have entire lines of wireless way points, network cards, and accessories marketed directly for home use. Most consumers, however, have microscopic idea of the inherent security issues they are bringing home with that wireless way point. It is surprising just how many home-based wireless networks are lacking in even the most basic security, with technology analysts estimating half of the home wireless networks in the United States are operating with no security at all.

Without the permissible security measures in place, introducing wireless networking into your home could gift a major security and privacy issue for you and your family. If your home Pc or laptop-the one containing your personal financial facts and electronic mail-is on a security-lax wireless network, and that Pc has not been properly secured with the most recent operating ideas patches and security updates, then your financial data and personal correspondence may in effect be viewed by whatever close adequate to your home to way your wireless network. Additionally, your instant messaging conversations and email traffic may be transmitted in the clear, as well.

Many wireless users setting up a new wireless home network will rush through the factory instructions to get their Internet connectivity working as speedily as possible. While the excitement is understandable, it is also quite risky as numerous security problems can result. Taking the time to understand the basics of the technology and how to keep your network fetch are significant to protecting the personal and confidential facts on your home computer and network. While technology limits ensure that no wireless network can be 100% secure, there are steps you can take to make it much more difficult for malicious users to compromise your home wireless network.

While this new wireless technology makes life a microscopic easier, the lingering examine remains: is it secure?

Wireless Networking Primer

Wireless networking (often referred to as WiFi, or Wlan devices) is based on one of some industry-standard technologies, typically referred to as the 802.11a, b, and g standards. These standards define the data exchange rates and the frequencies upon which data rides the airwaves. The 802.11b protocol operates at 2.4 Gigahertz (Ghz) and 11 Megabits (Mbps), while 802.11a runs at 5Ghz and 11Mbps. 802.11g devices control on the same frequencies as 802.11b, but have higher data exchange rates of 54 Mbps. Basically, each of these specifications provides different frequencies for wireless (or radio) communications, thereby contribution different capabilities in signal strength and range.

Wireless network devices can typically recite in one of two modes: Managed and Ad-Hoc. Managed mode allows a gismo to act as a "node" on a network, just as a Pc connecting to the data network. These nodes recite with servers, printers, and other resources on the network in what is known as a client/server relationship. The Pc is the client in this scenario. In the wireless world a gismo in managed mode connects to a wireless way point (or Wap) to join together to resources, and the way point acts as a communications bridge between the wireless gismo and the rest of the network (which can consist of wired systems, as well as other wireless devices.)

A gismo placed in Ad-Hoc mode does not need an way point to help it talk to the rest of the network. Ad-Hoc mode places the gismo in a "peer-to-peer" mode, allowing the gismo to act as its own way point to which other wireless devices in Ad-Hoc mode can attach. Wireless security standards were adopted early on, and were soon found to be flawed and ineffective.

Wep (wired-equivalent privacy) is today the thorough method for protecting a wireless networking data transmission. While other technology and standards-such as 802.1x and

Eap-are being positioned to replace the shortcomings of the Wep security model, Wep today is still the most widely deployed method of protecting wireless networking communications.

During the inception of the 802.11 standards for wireless networking, the Ieee had to rule a fundamental issue of wireless security; communications using this protocol are vulnerable because they use radio signals through open air space, as opposed to electrical signals through ended wires. The Wep thorough was created to address this liability. It was supposed to make wireless networks as incommunicable as wired networks by using 40-bit and 128-bit encryption. Wep technology provides a means of encrypting the data communications taking place between a wireless networking gismo and a wireless way point, or two wireless networking devices (depending on which mode is being used, Managed or Ad-Hoc.) Typically the devices are designed to furnish up to 128- bit encryption, which in itself is fairly secure. However, due to a lack of peer recite or some other misstep the "equivalent privacy" is not so incommunicable after all. Wep can be broken very speedily after conferrence 100 Mb to 1,000 Mb of data with freeware sniffers ordinarily distributed on the Web.

A sniffer is a computer associated to a network with its Nic placed in "promiscuous mode" (or "listening mode"). This allows that particular sniffer to eavesdrop on any communication passing along that network, and view the data contained within the packets. Even if the communication is encrypted, any person with a wireless Nic and a laptop can fetch data, and in three to 30 hours break the Wep code using freeware utilities. This means the e n c r y p t e d " p r i v a t e " communications are no longer private. Production things worse, range is not our friend. A wireless network is vulnerable to this type of intrusion from points far beyond the company parking lot or the house next door. Ten dollars' worth of parts from Radio Shack and a Pringles potato chip can be used to make a directional antenna, and boost a wireless network device's 100-foot range to about 10 miles in a direct line of sight. As it stands today, the expectation of security and privacy assumed when using Wep in reality falls short of that expectation. Wep is in effect broken, and therefore unreliable as a means to fetch communications.

Wireless security at Home

While most home-based networks use wireless way points that offer some form of data encryption like Wep, what you plan was fetch may in effect be in effect overcome by any tech-savvy hacker having the tools and time to crack your Wep key. "The photograph you paint is pretty frightening. If Wep isn't a good clarification for securing my home-based wireless network, then what is?" The answer: common sense. With a microscopic plan you can in effect augment Wep with some "in home" security practices that will advance your home-based w i r e less network against eavesdropping. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Never attach a personal computer that contains personal financial or family facts to a home-based network via wireless. Most wireless way points come with a 4 or 6-port Ethernet switch built right in. All the time join together these types of Pcs to the network with a thorough Ethernet cable. That ensures that all communications to and from this Pc are secured within a wired connection.

2. Make sure that all of your home-based Pcs are up to date with security patches and fixes from the operating ideas vendor (most often Microsoft).

3. If possible, convert the Wep key on a scheduled basis. Come up with a new key every month or two, and make sure the key is long adequate and involved adequate so that it is not in effect guessed. Never use your name, house address number, or other in effect guessed facts in your Wep key or as the Ssid string in your wireless network devices.

4. If your wireless way point offers the capability to "turn down" the signal power, sacrifice it as low as inherent for your needs. The lower the signal output, the smaller the range of the way point. Out of the box most way points transmit a distance of over 1000 ft. This is far more range than is needed if you use wireless in your home office.

5. All the time power off your wireless way point when not is use. Remember that all traffic flowing across your Internet Dsl or cablemodem connection is traceable back to you, and in most legal situations is your responsibility. If a neighbor across the road is using your unsecured wireless way point at night while you sleep to download illegal material such as child pornography, these downloads are traced back to your Dsl or cable modem.

Finally, as with all Internet communications, never say or recite whatever in an email, instant message, or chat conversation that you wouldn't say in a group forum. Unless you are using industrialized encryption technology or secured communications channels there should be no expectation of privacy in your Internet communications. If you need to say something of a incommunicable or personal nature, take the conversation to a voice phone call.

Wireless Networks - What You Should Know

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